Sheba project
The sculptures of Anat Ratzabi are engaged and enriched by her own written poems. The work of anat is poetic, sensitive and contains a narrative sense. A sculpture carry a message and is telling the stories and tales of the nomadic and intellectual life journey as a women and artist living in the Diaspora. As monuments for life essential moments, the sculptures describes concepts that appears ones the artist continually challenge herself to maintain an authentic dialog with life. In her eyes ,, "Reality reveals its own poetry"

Materials, bronze ,stoneware, semi porcelain & gemstones

"I desire wisdom and my heart seek to find understanding.I am smitten with the love of wisdom.... for wisdom is far betterThan treasure of gold and silver... It is sweeter than honey, and it makes one to rejoice more than wine,

Materials: Bronze ,stoneware.

Copyrights: Publishing, reproductions, distributing, display or transmission of any of the contents, designs or creations/artworks and tekst as well as lay-out are strictly prohibited
Copyright, All content © Anat Ratzabi 2015 All Rights Reserved

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